Wiz Solitaire for iPad 1.15
Wiz Solitaire for iPad 1.15 is available in the App Store.
This release adds a new game: Algerian.
Wiz Solitaire for iPad 1.15 is available in the App Store.
This release adds a new game: Algerian.
Wiz Solitaire for iPad 1.14 is available in the App Store.
This release fixes a bug in Osmosis.
I’ve recently released Soundwaves on the App Store.
Soundwaves is a client for the Subsonic music server.
Soundwaves focuses on simplicity, making it the ideal client to connect your iPad to your home theater setup.
Please note that the current version is meant to be used on a wi-fi lan and it probably won’t work well over a bandwidth-limited connection (e.g. a mobile connection).
Wiz Solitaire for iPad 1.13 (and v1.14 of the Free version) have been released in the App Store.
These updates include the following changes:
Wiz Solitaire family grows larger with the introduction of the free, ad-supported version for iPad.
Now you really have no excuse not to start playing it 🙂
Visit the App Store now to get your Wiz Solitaire Free