Get MP3 Cat free with TrialPay
We’ve just partnered with TrialPay, thus enabling you to obtain a license for MP3 Cat for free!
How does it work?
How is this possible?
Advertisers want to pay for your business. Instead of buying a TV commercial or an ad on a bus as a means of acquiring new customers, with TrialPay advertisers pay for your free product, encouraging you to become a new customer.
So while this offer seems too good to be true, it’s actually in everyone’s best interest…and just as good as it sounds.
Is it really free? What’s the catch?
Yes, it’s really free. TrialPay is simply a new method of advertising that pays customers with free or discounted products out of advertising revenue. You get your chosen product for free by trying or buying something you already wanted anyway.
The terms of each advertiser offer vary from totally free (try, set up an eBay account) to paid or subscription services (send flowers from or join Blockbuster Total Access). Regardless of the advertising terms, your initial product and the TrialPay transaction are always totally free. And TrialPay customer service is free, too.